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No, the Nintendo Wii Fit is Not to Be Used With the DS Lite

As the Nintendo Wii Fit and Wii continue to dominate the gaming arena it seems lots of folk out there are getting confused as they see the Nintendo DS Lite more and more on their tellies and in the shops. What exactly is the confusion? These folk are thinking that the DS Lite can be used along side the Wii Fit or Wii. No, no, no.

It should be noted of course that if you are a gaming enthusiast or even a partial enthusiast you will know that you cannot use the DS Lite along side the Wii Fit or Wii. However, if you are new to the world of gaming you could be forgiven for being confused because now, in the middle of the Wii craze, we are seeing the DS Lite advertised everywhere and you may think that it's some kind of continuation or even an attachment to the Wii or Wii Fit.

Let's just put all this straight. The Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit are predominantly exercise geared games whereas the Nintendo DS Lite is a gaming console which you play without exercising and you cannot play it along side the Wii's. The DS Lite and the Wii's are completely separate from each other aside from the fact that they are all made by Nintendo.

There is no bias here, all three are superb in their own right. If you read about the Wii, Wii Fit or DS Lite, the information always contains very positive feedback.

So do please remember you newbie's out there - the DS lite is a separate console from the Wii and Wii Fit, though all three are superb.

John Milligan.


For your Nintendo Wii, Wii Fit or DS Lite please visit the above site on the top home page and bottom home page.

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