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Wii Disc Read Error Fix

If you are getting the Wii disc read error, then you've basically lost half more than the functionality of the console. Below are some tips for a Wii will not read disc fix!

Check the disc that you are putting into the Wii for any dirt or scratches. These may prevent the laser from reading the data on the disc resulting in the Wii disc read error. If the disc is dirty, clean it by gently wiping from the center to the outside with a soft cloth, then try reinserting it. If it still does not read the disc, try inserting another disc into the Wii to see if it is that specific disc that the Wii will not read.

If the Wii still refuses to read discs, try turning it off (if you have WiiConnect24 enabled turn that off before turning off the Wii) and when the red light appears unplug the adaptor. Wait a few minutes, plug it back in and insert the disc.

Unfortunately, if that does not work, the lens may be dirty. Dusts sometimes find its way inside the disc drive and settle on the lens. Over time this dust may build up on the lens and may result in the laser being unable to penetrate through the dust leading to the Wii disc read error. If this is the case, try getting a Wii lens cleaning kit.

If none of these tips work, you may have a more serious problem. You basically have 2 options to get your Wii fixed:

Send it to Nintendo- I would recommend this if your Wii is still under warranty since the creators will be doing the repairs, and you shouldn't have to pay the repair costs. However, if you warranty has run out, you may have to pay $50 and up for a Wii disc fix. Also you will have to wait a few weeks to get your Wii back.

Repair it yourself- This is the cheaper and faster option for those people whose warranty has expired. Repairing the Wii by yourself is possible, but it is crucial that you have a good Wii repair guide. A good Wii repair guide will contain:

-Step by step instructions with pictures so that you can easily understand what to do
-Some sort of support like email support so that you can ask for help if you get stuck
-A money back guarantee in case the guide doesn't work, you can get your money back

To fix the Wii disc read error yourself, you need to get a good Wii repair guide, otherwise you stand the chance of further damaging your console. Check out these 2 good repair guides. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself if they are good!