Wii is one of those things that have become a cultural phenomenon.
So much so, that obtaining Wii was, and even now still can be, difficult as demand seems to constantly exceed supply. In spite huge production hikes, Wii is still flying off the racks. Finding any Wii used to be problematic, let alone finding a best buy Wii.
Now the production of Wii seems to be keeping pace its demand as is available at many outlets and discounted units can be found in many outlets as stores slug it out for market share in the ever expanding Wii market place. One of the most popular stores to find Wii is, appropriately, at Best Buy.
Best Buy is a retailer that always has popular merchandise for the best price, and the consumer need not be concerned at having to deal over the Internet with the inherent difficulties of processing returns etc. Any problems can be addressed face to face and refunds and returns are processed straight away- if the need arises.
Naturally you can still get Wii from Best Buy via the Internet. This way, you have the ease of purchasing and also the reassurance of going to any best Buy store should you have to.
Buying a Wii console was more troublesome right after its launch as demand seriously outstripped supply. Wii was constantly in short supply- even through 2007 Nintendo made a huge 1.8 million units of Wii every month, production had to be increased in 2008 and the manufacturer increased Wii production to a staggering 2.4 million units a month.
Wii is a game console licensed Nintendo and is the successor of the Nintendo's Game Cube. Wii has outranked both its competitors in each market as consumers have embraced the more appealing graphics, usability and excitement of the Wii game console.
Its two main competitors are Sony's Play Station and Xbox 360 by Microsoft. Wii has been number one in the market from its release in late 2006.
Although the name 'Wii' was at first controversial, it has turned out to be one of the most popular and recognized trade names since its launch. During development and pre launch, Wii was known as 'Revolution' and a lot of of its top people wanted to keep this title. However it did not take long until the universal appeal of the all inclusive sounding name 'Wii' was recognized as the marketing power that it is.
Wii was built around Nintendo's DS platform and influenced by Blue Ocean, a strategy book for business which has a six path framework for success: fun, graphics, physics, movie playing, and price. Nintendo introduced a seventh factor- a magic wand that is constituted in the remote controller.
http://bestbuywii.net/ is a source for Wii on the cheap!