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Where's the Best Place to Find a Wii?

What is one of the top sellers this Christmas season? You guessed it - once again, the Nintendo Wii Gaming System is going to be one of them. As in the past few years, you must shop early if you want to get the best price on Wii. Because the Wii has been out for a couple of years now, and because of the new and innovative games like the brand new "Wii Music" and "Guitar Hero 3 Complete Band" Nintendo keeps coming out with, it remains more popular than ever.

So where can I find the Nintendo Wii at the best price?

In order to find the best price on Wii systems, a good start is at the auction sites. Not only can you can get the best prices and bid for the price you want to pay, you can get fast delivery for before Christmas. Of course, the most well known auction site to find the best price on Wii is Ebay. Ebay is the place where you can find almost anything - new systems, bundles, stripped down systems, and even used Wii consoles. The number of sellers on Ebay is mind boggling, and there you're most likely to find the Nintendo Wii best price on an auction site like Ebay.

Plus, Ebay is especially nice if you don't mind trying a used system. Because of the strict regulations for selling, if you do buy a used one you'll be sure to know what you're getting. Sometimes the used systems are just like new, hardly played at all!

Another great reason to shop Ebay for your Wii - not being able to find it anywhere else! Previously, the Wii has sold out pretty much everywhere and your only chance to find it is on Ebay. Even if you end up paying a little more than retail, you are going to have a Wii. And really, you're still going to pay the best price, since you've got so many options.

Paying top dollar probably, you can also go to local retail stores. An upside to shopping locally is you don't have to pay for shipping, and you can walk out with the Wii under your arm. However, these places are not recommended if you're looking for the best price on Wii.

Amazon Marketplace is another great place to try. At Amazon, you have the benefits of ease of use, reliable shipping, and easy returns if something is wrong. Amazon also has the choice between new and used systems. And don't forget to buy your games there, as well. The selection of additional merchandise you can get for your Wii is unbelievable at Amazon.

These are a few good sources for getting your Nintendo Wii and the best price possible. But get shopping now! The closer it gets to Christmas, the more you're going to pay and the harder the Wii will be to find!

Do you absolutely, positively have to find a Nintendo Wii for this Christmas? Do you have that special kid that's just going to die if they don't get a Wii? Do you want to find the best price on Wii available? Then go to and you're sure to find the Wii you're looking for. Don't wait - Christmas will be here soon and you don't want to miss out!